The Moon
Perigee 363,104km (0.0024AU)
Apogee 405,696 km (0.0027AU)
Average orbital speed 1.022 km/s
Full moon + perigee in summer brings a lot of ground heat which aids the development of cyclonic systems, whether gales, tropical lows, tropical depressions or fully named cyclones.
The gales bring the destructive winds that dry out the ground in some places to create dust nuisances in Australia, or if combined with rain brings localised flooding.
Full moon+perigee has also been labelled "earthquake weather", as it can create increased high pressure on the surface of the land, and this has been suggested to act as a possible trigger separating tectonic plates.
For an earthquake to occur many factors have to come together, but sun activity, full moon and perigee are arguably the most potent.
Sourced from:
The Moon
"The Lunar Code" by Ken Ring

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Current Affairs
Geomagnetic storms
A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a disturbance in space weather. Associated with solar flares and resultant solar coronal mass ejections (CME), a geomagnetic storm is caused by a solar wind shock wave and/or cloud of magnetic field which typically strikes the Earth's magnetic field 3 days after the event. The solar wind pressure on the magnetosphere and the solar wind magnetic field will increase or decrease depending on the Sun's activity. The solar wind pressure changes modify the electric currents in the ionosphere, and the solar wind's magnetic field interacts with the Earth's magnetic field causing the entire structure to evolve. Magnetic storms usually last 24 to 48 hours, but some may last for many days. In 1989, an electromagnetic storm disrupted power throughout most of Quebec[1] and caused aurorae as far south as Texas.[2]
Electric grid
When magnetic fields move about in the vicinity of a conductor such as a wire, a geomagnetically induced current is produced in the conductor. This happens on a grand scale during geomagnetic storms (the same mechanism also influences telephone and telegraph lines, see above) on all long transmission lines. Power companies which operate long transmission lines (many kilometers in length) are thus subject to damage by this effect. Notably, this chiefly includes operators in China, North America, and Australia; the European grid consists mainly of shorter transmission cables, which are less vulnerable to damage.[13]
The (nearly direct) currents induced in these lines from geomagnetic storms are harmful to electrical transmission equipment, especially generators and transformers — induces core saturation, constraining their performance (as well as tripping various safety devices), and causes coils and cores to heat up. This heat can disable or destroy them, even inducing a chain reaction that can overload and blow transformers throughout a system.
At any given time there are about 2000 thunderstorms around the globe.[18] Producing ~50 lightning events per second,[19] these thunderstorms create the background Schumann resonance signal.
Lightning discharges are considered to be the primary natural source of Schumann resonance excitation; lightning channels behave like huge antennas that radiate electromagnetic energy at frequencies below about 100 kHz.[15] These signals are very weak at large distances from the lightning source, but the Earth–ionosphere waveguide behaves like a resonator at ELF frequencies and amplifies the spectral signals from lightning at the resonance frequencies.[15]
In an ideal cavity, the resonant frequency of the n-th mode fn is determined by the Earth radius a and the speed of light c.
The earth is surrounded by a layer of charged particles called the ionosphere. This layer of active charged particles is able to reflect low frequency electromagnetic radiation in a similar way as that of a mirror which is able to reflect light. Electromagnetic radiation is like radio waves or light. It travels at close to the speed of light, 300,000,000 m/s.
Both the earth's surface and the ionosphere are conductive surfaces able to reflect low frequency electromagnetic radiation. Together they create a resonant cavity. This cavity then is what makes the earth into a "resonant chamber" for electromagnetic radiation.
The earth is approximately 6,371 km in diameter or 40,030 km in circumference. An electromagnetic or radio signal travels at close to the speed of light. It, therefore, takes close to 0.1334 seconds to travel around the earth. This time would correlate with about 7.49 Hz. Notice that this is less than the 7.83 Hz that is commonly quoted. If you take into account that the ionosphere is approximately 300 km up and adjust the radius by 150 km, the calculation results in a round trip taking 0.136 seconds, which correlates to a frequency of approximately 7.32 Hz.
The Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor. There is a 'cavity 'defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up. At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and the ionosphere of 1 - 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity.
The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be 'excited' to be observed. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity. They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity.
Two factors determine the structure and behavior of the magnetosphere: (1) The internal field of the Earth, and (2) The solar wind.
1. The internal field of the Earth (its "main field") appears to be generated in the Earth's core by a dynamo process, associated with the circulation of liquid metal in the core, driven by internal heat sources. Its major part resembles the field of a bar magnet ("dipole field") inclined by about 10° to the rotation axis of Earth, but more complex parts ("higher harmonics") also exist. The dipole field has an intensity of about 30,000-60,000 nanoteslas (nT) at the Earth's surface, and its intensity diminishes like the inverse of the cube of the distance, i.e. at a distance of R Earth radii it only amounts to 1/8 of the surface field in the same direction. Higher harmonics diminish faster, like higher powers of 1/R, making the dipole field the only important internal source in most of the magnetosphere.
2. The solar wind is a fast outflow of hot plasma from the sun in all directions. Above the sun's equator it typically attains 400 km/s; above the sun's poles, up to twice as much. The flow is powered by the million-degree temperature of the sun's corona, for which no generally accepted explanation exists yet. Its composition resembles that of the Sun—about 95% of the ions are protons, about 4% helium nuclei, with 1% of heavier matter (C, N, O, Ne, Si, Mg...up to Fe) and enough electrons to keep charge neutrality.
Data showing live geomagnetic activity from the sun:
A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a disturbance in space weather. Associated with solar flares and resultant solar coronal mass ejections (CME), a geomagnetic storm is caused by a solar wind shock wave and/or cloud of magnetic field which typically strikes the Earth's magnetic field 3 days after the event. The solar wind pressure on the magnetosphere and the solar wind magnetic field will increase or decrease depending on the Sun's activity. The solar wind pressure changes modify the electric currents in the ionosphere, and the solar wind's magnetic field interacts with the Earth's magnetic field causing the entire structure to evolve. Magnetic storms usually last 24 to 48 hours, but some may last for many days. In 1989, an electromagnetic storm disrupted power throughout most of Quebec[1] and caused aurorae as far south as Texas.[2]
Electric grid
When magnetic fields move about in the vicinity of a conductor such as a wire, a geomagnetically induced current is produced in the conductor. This happens on a grand scale during geomagnetic storms (the same mechanism also influences telephone and telegraph lines, see above) on all long transmission lines. Power companies which operate long transmission lines (many kilometers in length) are thus subject to damage by this effect. Notably, this chiefly includes operators in China, North America, and Australia; the European grid consists mainly of shorter transmission cables, which are less vulnerable to damage.[13]
The (nearly direct) currents induced in these lines from geomagnetic storms are harmful to electrical transmission equipment, especially generators and transformers — induces core saturation, constraining their performance (as well as tripping various safety devices), and causes coils and cores to heat up. This heat can disable or destroy them, even inducing a chain reaction that can overload and blow transformers throughout a system.
At any given time there are about 2000 thunderstorms around the globe.[18] Producing ~50 lightning events per second,[19] these thunderstorms create the background Schumann resonance signal.
Lightning discharges are considered to be the primary natural source of Schumann resonance excitation; lightning channels behave like huge antennas that radiate electromagnetic energy at frequencies below about 100 kHz.[15] These signals are very weak at large distances from the lightning source, but the Earth–ionosphere waveguide behaves like a resonator at ELF frequencies and amplifies the spectral signals from lightning at the resonance frequencies.[15]
In an ideal cavity, the resonant frequency of the n-th mode fn is determined by the Earth radius a and the speed of light c.
The earth is surrounded by a layer of charged particles called the ionosphere. This layer of active charged particles is able to reflect low frequency electromagnetic radiation in a similar way as that of a mirror which is able to reflect light. Electromagnetic radiation is like radio waves or light. It travels at close to the speed of light, 300,000,000 m/s.
Both the earth's surface and the ionosphere are conductive surfaces able to reflect low frequency electromagnetic radiation. Together they create a resonant cavity. This cavity then is what makes the earth into a "resonant chamber" for electromagnetic radiation.
The earth is approximately 6,371 km in diameter or 40,030 km in circumference. An electromagnetic or radio signal travels at close to the speed of light. It, therefore, takes close to 0.1334 seconds to travel around the earth. This time would correlate with about 7.49 Hz. Notice that this is less than the 7.83 Hz that is commonly quoted. If you take into account that the ionosphere is approximately 300 km up and adjust the radius by 150 km, the calculation results in a round trip taking 0.136 seconds, which correlates to a frequency of approximately 7.32 Hz.
The Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor. There is a 'cavity 'defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up. At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and the ionosphere of 1 - 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity.
The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be 'excited' to be observed. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity. They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity.
Two factors determine the structure and behavior of the magnetosphere: (1) The internal field of the Earth, and (2) The solar wind.
1. The internal field of the Earth (its "main field") appears to be generated in the Earth's core by a dynamo process, associated with the circulation of liquid metal in the core, driven by internal heat sources. Its major part resembles the field of a bar magnet ("dipole field") inclined by about 10° to the rotation axis of Earth, but more complex parts ("higher harmonics") also exist. The dipole field has an intensity of about 30,000-60,000 nanoteslas (nT) at the Earth's surface, and its intensity diminishes like the inverse of the cube of the distance, i.e. at a distance of R Earth radii it only amounts to 1/8 of the surface field in the same direction. Higher harmonics diminish faster, like higher powers of 1/R, making the dipole field the only important internal source in most of the magnetosphere.
2. The solar wind is a fast outflow of hot plasma from the sun in all directions. Above the sun's equator it typically attains 400 km/s; above the sun's poles, up to twice as much. The flow is powered by the million-degree temperature of the sun's corona, for which no generally accepted explanation exists yet. Its composition resembles that of the Sun—about 95% of the ions are protons, about 4% helium nuclei, with 1% of heavier matter (C, N, O, Ne, Si, Mg...up to Fe) and enough electrons to keep charge neutrality.
Data showing live geomagnetic activity from the sun:
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Evolution Of Consciousness: The Mayan Calendar
Universal Underworld - Cycle of Co-creation
The universal cycle begins Feb. 11 2011
time will be going 20 times faster than it does today.
The well being of this planet is assured
The contrast is expanding.
Your mind will not be able to handle it.
You are NOT your mind.
Intuition will become more and more important.
Hopi Prophecy
The spiritual beings will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.
Carl Calleman
We will recognize our own divinity, for there will be no separation between the divinity of the Creator and our own. "The enlightened consciousness developed in the Universal Underworld will be pulsed onto humankind in a wave movement of the Thirteen Heavens that covers a period of only 260 days.
Human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end.
The universal cycle begins Feb. 11 2011
time will be going 20 times faster than it does today.
The well being of this planet is assured
The contrast is expanding.
Your mind will not be able to handle it.
You are NOT your mind.
Intuition will become more and more important.
Hopi Prophecy
The spiritual beings will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.
Carl Calleman
We will recognize our own divinity, for there will be no separation between the divinity of the Creator and our own. "The enlightened consciousness developed in the Universal Underworld will be pulsed onto humankind in a wave movement of the Thirteen Heavens that covers a period of only 260 days.
Human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Transit of Venus, 2012
The next transit of Venus will occur on June 5–June 6 in 2012, succeeding the previous transit on June 8, 2004. After 2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125.
The transit will be best viewed from the Pacific Ocean. North America will be able to see the start of the transit, while South Asia, the Middle East, and most of Europe will catch the end of it. The transit will not be visible in most of South America or western Africa.
The first voyage of James Cook was a combined Royal Navy and Royal Society expedition to the south Pacific ocean aboard HMS Endeavour, from 1768 to 1771. The aims of the expedition were to observe the 1769 transit of Venus across the Sun, and to seek evidence of the postulated Terra Australis Incognita or "unknown southern land."
Departing Plymouth in August 1768, the expedition crossed the Atlantic, rounded Cape Horn and reached Tahiti in time to observe the transit of Venus. Cook then set sail into the largely uncharted ocean to the south, stopping at the Pacific islands of Huahine, Borabora and Raiatea to claim them for Great Britain, and unsuccessfully attempting to land at Rurutu. In September 1769, the expedition reached New Zealand, being the second Europeans to visit there, following its earlier discovery by Abel Tasman 127 years earlier. Cook and his crew spent the following six months charting the New Zealand coast, before resuming their voyage westward across open sea. In April 1770, they became the first Europeans to reach the east coast of Australia, making landfall on the shore of what is now known as Botany Bay.
The expedition continued northward along the Australian coastline, narrowly avoiding shipwreck on the Great Barrier Reef. In October 1770, the badly damaged Endeavour came into a port in Batavia in the Dutch East Indies, her crew sworn to secrecy about the lands they had discovered. They resumed their journey on 26 December, rounded the Cape of Good Hope on 13 March 1771, and reached the English port of Deal on 12 July. The voyage lasted nearly three years.
The transit will be best viewed from the Pacific Ocean. North America will be able to see the start of the transit, while South Asia, the Middle East, and most of Europe will catch the end of it. The transit will not be visible in most of South America or western Africa.
The first voyage of James Cook was a combined Royal Navy and Royal Society expedition to the south Pacific ocean aboard HMS Endeavour, from 1768 to 1771. The aims of the expedition were to observe the 1769 transit of Venus across the Sun, and to seek evidence of the postulated Terra Australis Incognita or "unknown southern land."
Departing Plymouth in August 1768, the expedition crossed the Atlantic, rounded Cape Horn and reached Tahiti in time to observe the transit of Venus. Cook then set sail into the largely uncharted ocean to the south, stopping at the Pacific islands of Huahine, Borabora and Raiatea to claim them for Great Britain, and unsuccessfully attempting to land at Rurutu. In September 1769, the expedition reached New Zealand, being the second Europeans to visit there, following its earlier discovery by Abel Tasman 127 years earlier. Cook and his crew spent the following six months charting the New Zealand coast, before resuming their voyage westward across open sea. In April 1770, they became the first Europeans to reach the east coast of Australia, making landfall on the shore of what is now known as Botany Bay.
The expedition continued northward along the Australian coastline, narrowly avoiding shipwreck on the Great Barrier Reef. In October 1770, the badly damaged Endeavour came into a port in Batavia in the Dutch East Indies, her crew sworn to secrecy about the lands they had discovered. They resumed their journey on 26 December, rounded the Cape of Good Hope on 13 March 1771, and reached the English port of Deal on 12 July. The voyage lasted nearly three years.
Maori Prophecy - Waitangi Day 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Negative Ions
Lenard (1915) found that when water is atomized (e.g. on impact of a water droplet), negative and positive charges are separated.
Molecules which are torn from the surface of the water bear a negative charge (small negative ions) whereas large drops or the entire mass of water are positive.
This provided an unexpected explanation for the refreshing, invigorating effect of residences close to a waterfall or spring, or even after rain.
Some of these reactions which improve well-being and physical and mental capacity have since become known.
1. Negative ions accelerate the oxidative degradation serotonin whereas positive ions have the opposite action and inactivate the enzymes which break down serotonin.
2. An increase in the serotonin level (5-hydroxytryptamine) produces:
◦ tachycardia,
◦ a rise in blood pressure,
◦ bronchospasm going as far as asthma attack,
◦ increased intestinal peristalsis (contractions and dilations of the intestines to move the contents onwards),
◦ increased sensitivity to pain,
◦ increased aggression.
3. A decrease in the serotonin level is calming and increases defenses against infection (as proven with influenza 'the flu').
4. Negative ions produce an increase in hemoglobin/oxygen affinity so that the partial oxygen pressure in the blood rises but the partial carbon dioxide pressure decreases. This results in reduced respiratory rate and enhances the metabolism of water-soluble vitamins.
In addition, negative ions produce an increase in PH and, in particular, an increase in the secretory performance of the mucosa with an increase in ciliary movement in the airways.
According to the studies of Fleischer and Pantlitschko, negative ions probably also improve blood flow by increasing the release of proteolytic enzymes with fibrinolytic activity. Wordens studied the adrenals of golden hamsters kept under the same experimental conditions. The adrenals of animals treated with positive ions weighed 33% less than the adrenals of animals treated with normal respiratory air.
There are no known side-effects to inhaling small negative ions of oxygen. In fact, breathing in an abundance of small negative ions can do wonders for physical health. They have been reported to speed up healing, promote restful sleep, and to bring relief to sufferers of asthma, hay fever, allergies and skin complaints.
In studies carried out at the Intensive Care Unit of the St James Hospital, engineers from the University of Leeds, England, proved that negative ions actually kill airborne viruses and bacteria before they reach the body.
Scientific research at La Trobe University in Melbourne has demonstrated that the tiny negative ions boost the production of Immunoglobulin-A, boosting the immune system’s ability to fight off illness and infection.
Recognising the potential benefits, Australian inventor, Joshua Shaw, set out to develop a machine that would produce a reliable supply of small negative ions. He realised that the ‘negative ion generators’ on the market cleaned the air of dust and pollutants for a time, but failed to sustain a flow of negative ions.
Go to the beach or the mountains. The air circulating in these areas contain thousands of negative ions. Crashing waves and the scent of rain create negative ions and elevate moods, says Dr. Michael Terman, of Columbia University.
Take a hot shower. The steam releases negative ions into the atmosphere.
Practice feng shui. Feng shui uses indoor water fountains, which spray negative ions into the air. Ferns and other indoor plants release negative ions into the room
The brain responds to incoming stimuli according to its level of alertness. When we need a creative solution to a problem, we need as much inspiration as we can acquire. The word inspire is based on the roots "in" and "spire" or literally, to breathe in. To be inspired is to be full of the breath of life. Yogic disciplines teach that the air we breathe is full of "prana" or the spirit of life. The Chinese call this energy "chi". Thus to be inspired is to be filled with spirit.
From a scientific standpoint levels of oxygen in the brain are tied to levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is the hormone that allows us to be awake and alert. You can regulate your levels of brain serotonin by controlling your breath. Too much serotonin in the brain causes irritation, tension, and stress. Dropping the levels of serotonin can result in greater relaxation and allow the brain's intuitive, nonlinear activities to flow more smoothly.
It has also been clinically proven that holding your breath has beneficial side effects. This raises the level of carbon dioxide in the body and brain. It also increases the level of nitrogen. For short periods of time, this can be very refreshing to the brain. Carbon dioxide has many beneficial effects on the body. As with anything, there needs to be a proper balance. It has been found that increasing the carbon dioxide levels not only improves clear thought but also aids those who suffer from asthma.
The electrical quality of the air you breathe also has an effect on serotonin levels and thus creative alertness. The number of positive or negative ions present measures electric air quality. Negative ions are displaced electrons, which attach themselves to nearby molecules. These molecules become negatively charged. It is the negative ion of oxygen that affects us most.
If you have ever stood by a waterfall or in a deep forest full of evergreens and felt exhilarated, you have felt the effects of negatively ionized air. The normal ion count in fresh country air is 2,000 - 4,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. At Yosemite Falls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, on a Los Angeles freeway the negative ion count is below 100 per cubic centimeter.
Increasing the negative ion content of the brain promotes alpha brain waves and increases brain wave amplitude. This produces a different kind of awareness than that of heightened serotonin alertness. Ion induced alpha waves spread from the occipital areas to the parietal and temporal, reaching the front lobes, spreading evenly across the right and left brain hemispheres. This creates an overall clear and calming effect, thus, promoting better concentration.
When you need to produce a more heightened state of awareness for immediate problem solving you can simply control your breathing. This facilitates your brain's ability to concentrate properly. Here are three methods for increasing brain hormonal and hemispherical balance.
• One method is slow deep breathing, holding the breath momentarily between breaths. Holding the breath oxygenates the brain and facilitates clarity, as well as raises carbon dioxide levels. Deep breathing promotes alpha brain waves and relaxes the body and mind.
• Another method is to breathe through alternating nostrils. The Chinese believe that the nostrils are an indication of hemispherical dominance. Whichever nostril you habitually breathe through can tell you which side of the brain you favor. One way to open the alternate side of the brain, to facilitate cross-hemispherical or whole brain thinking, is to breathe through the other nostril until it is opened. You can also hold one nostril closed, breath in, hold the breath for five seconds, and breath out through the other nostril. If you practice this for about ten minutes you will markedly improve your mental clarity. You will also slow down your brain waves, from beta to alpha, thus facilitating intuitive, inspired thought.
• The third and most radical, but highly effective method of creative problem solving is to relax and hold the breath for as long as you can. The great Japanese inventor Yoshiro Nakamats, Ph.D. attributes much of his phenomenal creativity to underwater swimming. He is credited with more patents than Thomas Edison. He swims to deeper parts of a swimming pool where he sits and contemplates underwater. He has a special metal pad and pen so he can make notes. You don’t need to go underwater to simply hold your breath for as long as you can. This helps to alter the carbon/oxygen balance in the brain and bring greater clarity to the mind.
Molecules which are torn from the surface of the water bear a negative charge (small negative ions) whereas large drops or the entire mass of water are positive.
This provided an unexpected explanation for the refreshing, invigorating effect of residences close to a waterfall or spring, or even after rain.
Some of these reactions which improve well-being and physical and mental capacity have since become known.
1. Negative ions accelerate the oxidative degradation serotonin whereas positive ions have the opposite action and inactivate the enzymes which break down serotonin.
2. An increase in the serotonin level (5-hydroxytryptamine) produces:
◦ tachycardia,
◦ a rise in blood pressure,
◦ bronchospasm going as far as asthma attack,
◦ increased intestinal peristalsis (contractions and dilations of the intestines to move the contents onwards),
◦ increased sensitivity to pain,
◦ increased aggression.
3. A decrease in the serotonin level is calming and increases defenses against infection (as proven with influenza 'the flu').
4. Negative ions produce an increase in hemoglobin/oxygen affinity so that the partial oxygen pressure in the blood rises but the partial carbon dioxide pressure decreases. This results in reduced respiratory rate and enhances the metabolism of water-soluble vitamins.
In addition, negative ions produce an increase in PH and, in particular, an increase in the secretory performance of the mucosa with an increase in ciliary movement in the airways.
According to the studies of Fleischer and Pantlitschko, negative ions probably also improve blood flow by increasing the release of proteolytic enzymes with fibrinolytic activity. Wordens studied the adrenals of golden hamsters kept under the same experimental conditions. The adrenals of animals treated with positive ions weighed 33% less than the adrenals of animals treated with normal respiratory air.
There are no known side-effects to inhaling small negative ions of oxygen. In fact, breathing in an abundance of small negative ions can do wonders for physical health. They have been reported to speed up healing, promote restful sleep, and to bring relief to sufferers of asthma, hay fever, allergies and skin complaints.
In studies carried out at the Intensive Care Unit of the St James Hospital, engineers from the University of Leeds, England, proved that negative ions actually kill airborne viruses and bacteria before they reach the body.
Scientific research at La Trobe University in Melbourne has demonstrated that the tiny negative ions boost the production of Immunoglobulin-A, boosting the immune system’s ability to fight off illness and infection.
Recognising the potential benefits, Australian inventor, Joshua Shaw, set out to develop a machine that would produce a reliable supply of small negative ions. He realised that the ‘negative ion generators’ on the market cleaned the air of dust and pollutants for a time, but failed to sustain a flow of negative ions.
Go to the beach or the mountains. The air circulating in these areas contain thousands of negative ions. Crashing waves and the scent of rain create negative ions and elevate moods, says Dr. Michael Terman, of Columbia University.
Take a hot shower. The steam releases negative ions into the atmosphere.
Practice feng shui. Feng shui uses indoor water fountains, which spray negative ions into the air. Ferns and other indoor plants release negative ions into the room
The brain responds to incoming stimuli according to its level of alertness. When we need a creative solution to a problem, we need as much inspiration as we can acquire. The word inspire is based on the roots "in" and "spire" or literally, to breathe in. To be inspired is to be full of the breath of life. Yogic disciplines teach that the air we breathe is full of "prana" or the spirit of life. The Chinese call this energy "chi". Thus to be inspired is to be filled with spirit.
From a scientific standpoint levels of oxygen in the brain are tied to levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is the hormone that allows us to be awake and alert. You can regulate your levels of brain serotonin by controlling your breath. Too much serotonin in the brain causes irritation, tension, and stress. Dropping the levels of serotonin can result in greater relaxation and allow the brain's intuitive, nonlinear activities to flow more smoothly.
It has also been clinically proven that holding your breath has beneficial side effects. This raises the level of carbon dioxide in the body and brain. It also increases the level of nitrogen. For short periods of time, this can be very refreshing to the brain. Carbon dioxide has many beneficial effects on the body. As with anything, there needs to be a proper balance. It has been found that increasing the carbon dioxide levels not only improves clear thought but also aids those who suffer from asthma.
The electrical quality of the air you breathe also has an effect on serotonin levels and thus creative alertness. The number of positive or negative ions present measures electric air quality. Negative ions are displaced electrons, which attach themselves to nearby molecules. These molecules become negatively charged. It is the negative ion of oxygen that affects us most.
If you have ever stood by a waterfall or in a deep forest full of evergreens and felt exhilarated, you have felt the effects of negatively ionized air. The normal ion count in fresh country air is 2,000 - 4,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. At Yosemite Falls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, on a Los Angeles freeway the negative ion count is below 100 per cubic centimeter.
Increasing the negative ion content of the brain promotes alpha brain waves and increases brain wave amplitude. This produces a different kind of awareness than that of heightened serotonin alertness. Ion induced alpha waves spread from the occipital areas to the parietal and temporal, reaching the front lobes, spreading evenly across the right and left brain hemispheres. This creates an overall clear and calming effect, thus, promoting better concentration.
When you need to produce a more heightened state of awareness for immediate problem solving you can simply control your breathing. This facilitates your brain's ability to concentrate properly. Here are three methods for increasing brain hormonal and hemispherical balance.
• One method is slow deep breathing, holding the breath momentarily between breaths. Holding the breath oxygenates the brain and facilitates clarity, as well as raises carbon dioxide levels. Deep breathing promotes alpha brain waves and relaxes the body and mind.
• Another method is to breathe through alternating nostrils. The Chinese believe that the nostrils are an indication of hemispherical dominance. Whichever nostril you habitually breathe through can tell you which side of the brain you favor. One way to open the alternate side of the brain, to facilitate cross-hemispherical or whole brain thinking, is to breathe through the other nostril until it is opened. You can also hold one nostril closed, breath in, hold the breath for five seconds, and breath out through the other nostril. If you practice this for about ten minutes you will markedly improve your mental clarity. You will also slow down your brain waves, from beta to alpha, thus facilitating intuitive, inspired thought.
• The third and most radical, but highly effective method of creative problem solving is to relax and hold the breath for as long as you can. The great Japanese inventor Yoshiro Nakamats, Ph.D. attributes much of his phenomenal creativity to underwater swimming. He is credited with more patents than Thomas Edison. He swims to deeper parts of a swimming pool where he sits and contemplates underwater. He has a special metal pad and pen so he can make notes. You don’t need to go underwater to simply hold your breath for as long as you can. This helps to alter the carbon/oxygen balance in the brain and bring greater clarity to the mind.
Acoustic Phenomena
Ringing chords

The defining characteristic of the barbershop style is the ringing chord. This is a name for one specific and well-defined acoustical effect, also referred to as expanded sound, the angel's voice, the fifth voice, the overtone, or barbershop seventh. (The barbershopper's "overtone" is the same as the acoustic physicist's overtone or harmonic, although the numbers differ. The first overtone, at twice the fundamental frequency, is the second harmonic, etc. The undertone is the difference between the frequencies of two sung notes and is known as heterodyning).
The physics and psychophysics of the effect are fairly well understood; it occurs when the upper harmonics in the individual voice notes, and the sum and difference frequencies resulting from nonlinear combinations within the ear, reinforce each other at a particular frequency, strengthening it so that it stands out separately above the blended sound. The effect is audible only on certain kinds of chords, and only when all voices are equally rich in harmonics and justly tuned and balanced. It is not heard in chords sounded on modern keyboard instruments, due to the slight tuning imperfection of the equal-tempered scale.
Gage Averill writes that "Barbershoppers have become partisans of this acoustic phenomenon" and that "the more experienced singers of the barbershop revival (at least after the 1940s) have self-consciously tuned their dominant seventh and tonic chords in just intonation to maximize the overlap of common overtones." However, "In practice, it seems that most leads rely on an approximation of an equal-tempered scale for the melody, to which the other voices adjust vertically in just intonation."[2]
What is prized is not so much the "overtone" itself, but a unique sound whose achievement is most easily recognized by the presence of the "overtone". The precise synchrony of the waveforms of the four voices simultaneously creates the perception of a "fifth voice" while at the same time melding the four voices into a unified sound. The ringing chord is qualitatively different in sound from an ordinary musical chord e.g. as sounded on a tempered-scale keyboard instrument.
Most elements of the "revivalist" style are related to the desire to produce these ringing chords. Performance is a cappella to prevent the distracting introduction of equal-tempered intonation, and because listening to anything but the other three voices interferes with a performer's ability to tune with the precision required. Barbershop arrangements stress chords and chord progressions that favor "ringing", at the expense of suspended and diminished chords and other harmonic vocabulary of the ragtime and jazz forms.
Harmonic seventh chord
The harmonic seventh chord is a major triad plus the harmonic seventh interval (ratio of 7:4, about 969 cents[1]). This interval is somewhat narrower than and is "sweeter in quality" than an "ordinary"[2] minor seventh, which has a just-intonation ratio of 9:5[3] (1017.596 cents), or an equal-temperament ratio of 1000 cents (25/6:1). Frequent use of this chord is one of the defining characteristics of blues and barbershop harmony; barbershoppers refer to it as "the barbershop seventh." Since barbershop music tends to be sung in just intonation, the barbershop seventh chord may be accurately termed a harmonic seventh chord. The harmonic seventh chord is also widely used in "blues flavored" music.[citation needed] As guitars, pianos, and other equal-temperament instruments cannot play this chord, it is frequently approximated by a dominant seventh. As a result it is often called a dominant seventh chord and written with the same symbols (such as the blues progression I7 - V7 - IV7).
An often heard example of the harmonic seventh chord is the last word of the modern addition to the song "Happy Birthday to You", with the lyrics, "and many more!" The harmony on the word "more" is typically sung as a harmonic seventh chord.[4]
Barbershop seventh
barbershop seventh chord. A chord consisting of the root, third, fifth, and flatted seventh degrees of the scale. It is characteristic of barbershop arrangements. When used to lead to a chord whose root is a fifth below the root of the barbershop seventh chord, it is called a dominant seventh chord. Barbershoppers sometimes refer to this as the 'meat 'n' taters chord.' In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, these chords were sometimes called 'minors.' [as in minor seventh chord]"
—Averill 2003[5]
The barbershop seventh is the name commonly given by practitioners of barbershop music to the seventh of and the major-minor seventh or dominant seventh chord, when it is used in a barbershop arrangement or performance. "Society arrangers believe that a song should contain anywhere from 35 to 60 percent dominant seventh chords to sound 'barbershop'--and when they do, barbershoppers speak of being in 'seventh heaven.'"[6]
Beginning in the 1940s, barbershop revival singers "have self-consciously tuned their dominant seventh and tonic chord in just intonation to maximize the overlap of common tones, resulting in a ringing sound rich in harmonics" called 'extended sound', 'expanded sound', 'fortified sound', "the voice of the angels".[7] The first positive mention of such practice appears to be Reagan, 'Molly' (1944). "Mechanics of Barbershop Harmony", Harmonizer. The example of a dominant chord tuned to 100, 125, 150, and 175 Hz, or the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th harmonics of a 25 Hz fundamental is given,[7] making the seventh of the chord a "harmonic seventh".
There's a chord in a barbershop that makes the nerve ends tingle....We might all our chord a Super-Seventh!...The notes of our chord have the exact frequency ratios 4-5-6-7. With these ratios, overtones reinforce overtones. There's a minimum of dissonance and a distinctive ringing sound. How can you detect this chord? It's easy. You can't mistake it, for the signs are clear; the overtones will ring in your ears; you'll experience a spinal shiver; bumps will stand out on your arms; you'll rise a trifle in your seat."
—Art Merill[7]
It is normally voiced with the lowest note (the bass) on a root or a fifth, and its close harmony sound is one of the hallmarks of barbershop music.
When tuned in just intonation (as in barbershop singing), this chord is called a harmonic seventh chord.
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